Hey All

So today, Marissa and I completed the first thing on our Project Autumn list. We went Apple Picking!! It was actually a lot of fun! Something I would definitely do again.
We decided to start off the day with Brunch, and oh my goodness, we ate so much food. It was actually embarrassing. But delicious. It really was though... Sunset Grill... go there!

After that, a Michaels trip was definitely needed. How does one get through a Saturday without going to Michaels. Oh, and if you don't know what I am talking about, you need to crawl out of that rock you are living under, and go out. It is the single greatest craft store ever. It is a teachers paradise and party planners thrive there. Anyway, we got some stuff for the
Teal Pumpkin Project, and of course, I bought new note cards, because I'm hopeless. I digress.

Then it was time to actually go apple picking. We went to an orchard called Orchalaw Apple Farm in a little town between Brampton and Georgetown. It was a pretty good orchard. There was really a lot to choose from. It was a little confusing though because there are two areas connected to the farm. One for apple picking, and another there you can do other fun activities like baking a pie, or at least that's what Marissa told me.

The way they had it set up was we paid on entry and got a bag for our apples. It was 26 dollars to fill the bag which comes out to about 20 pounds of apples. Neither of us needed that many apples, so the cost and the apples were split. On the weekends, they offer free wagon rides into the orchard. This was actually great! we got to have a bit of fun on the wagon, and we were able to get to the good apples.

The honeycrisp apples were the favourite of the day. I think at least half of our bag was honeycrisp apples. We were super lucky though, because they said they don't normally let people pick those. But they opened it up for the public. They are actually really expensive, and we got them fresh for a half decent price. We also got some Macs and some Galas, but those aren't as impressive.
I really loved getting to spend so much time with a good friend in the orchard picking and eating apples. We worked together finding and picking the best ones, and by the end of it, we were so tired. We 100% buckled the apples into the backseat of the car as well. Now, I just have to figure out what to do with 10lbs of honeycrisp apples. I am going to find some recipes... any ideas? I will definitely let you know how they turn out!
This experience opened my eyes a little too. This is something that I definitely want to do with my family. When I am married with kids, I want to bring them to an orchard. I want to take them apple picking. I don't want to be one of those moms either who picks all the apples while my kids follow behind. I really want them to get them involved and make it a really memorable experience. I have goals guys!
Item one on Project Autumn has been a success. Please stay tuned for more of our adventures!
- Liz
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