I have been lucky enough to have been blessed with absolutely wonderful friends. These are friends who are always there to support me; they are always there for me. I have had quite a few trials recently, and I have been able to turn to them for anything. Even though there are times that I feel like such a burden to them, I know that they are not going anywhere!
My friends do such a wonderful job taking care of me, that I want them to know that I am there for them. I want to be able to take care of my friends the way they do for me, no questions asked. The only problem with that is that some of my friends are the most stubborn people that you will ever meet. Some of them will just not ask for help, and others will not take it when offered. I also have friends who will retreat when they are going through a difficult time.

We all go through trials, and we all handle them in different ways. I want to be able to understand my friends, what they are going through, and the help they need; I want to give them the best care I can give them.
There are some cases though where I am not going to know what to do, and that hurts. I do not like seeing my friends in pain. But there is one thing that I can do. These are the friends that I need to pray for. I just need to keep praying and putting my faith in the Lord. I have the faith that the Lord can work miracles in their lives and can guide them through their situation.
I actually had a wonderful discussion with a friend about this today. I was sharing my concern for a mutual friend who chooses to retreat when faced with a hard time. I want to help this person as he has helped me, but it's extremely difficult when they do not want to talk. She basically reminded me that I am doing what I need to. I am reaching out a helping hand and praying for this person. She also reminded me that I need to trust that the lord will do the rest.

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